Newsletter – Volume 39


Newsletter – Volume 39

March 25, 2024

This Week

Confessions From the Back of the Pen
Meet Dr. Tony...

Dr. Antonio Jimenez is the founder and Chief Medical Officer of the Hope 4 Cancer clinics in Mexico. For 25 years Dr. Tony (as he is lovingly referred to at the clinics) has pioneered two world class integrative treatment centers in Tijuana and Cancun. He has dedicated his life to the study, research and implementation of non-toxic treatments of cancer, chronic infections and immune disorders.

His claim to fame is his 7 Key Principles to Cancer Therapy. They include:

  1. Non-toxic therapies
  2. Immuno modulation
  3. Full spectrum nutrition
  4. Detoxification
  5. Oxygenation
  6. Restore microbiome
  7. Emotional and spiritual healing


Soon after I received my second cancer diagnosis, I spent 21 days at the H4C clinic in Cancun. It was a very transformational experience, and what made it so was that this was my first experience with a truly holistic patient-centered treatment plan. I had heard a lot about these kinds of programs, but my suspicion going in was that it would be mostly medical and then cursory attention given to the other dimensions of health and healing. That was definitely NOT the case. Every part was given equal attention, with experts in every field.

But it wasn’t just the program, what made it uniquely powerful for me was the people I met along the way – the staff, the nurses, and my fellow cancer warriors were (and are) simply amazing people. They have literally changed everything about the way I have thought about and dealt with this horrible disease. These people are now some of my dearest friends. I cannot imagine doing this journey without them.

My own healing journey has progressed to include other therapies and other clincis – most recently Mayo Clinic – but I will never forget and will always be grateful for the part that H4C played in broadening my understanding of cancer treatment. I am convinced that I am much better positioned for whatever is in my future, because of the foundational work done at H4C. And a significant amount of the credit of all that goes to Dr. Tony for being willing to think outside the box in pursuing uncharted territory in his approach to cancer treatment. He is certainly a fellow Black Sheep Messenger in the world of medicine.

Word of the Week


Verb: to show reverence and express adoration for a deity; to honor with religious rites

Ten days ago I had my 8th surgery to remove a set of reoccurring tumors from my bladder.  Through this process I have realized afresh that all of life has a natural/supernatural connection.  What we process physically is impacted by how we are doing spiritually and vice-versa.  For believers this is obvious.  But we usually aren’t as attuned to the fact that both activities require proactive effort.  We know all about good care of our body – and typically spend time/money/energy attending to it.  But are we as dedicated to attending to the health of our soul?  Before and after my surgery I spent time listening to worship music and asking/receiving prayer from my friends/family – not because I am especially holy, rather I am increasingly aware that my spiritual health has a significant impact on my physical well-being.  And given the new diagnosis I need to address, I am glad that this whole experience has been bathed and covered in prayer and worship. I needed it. I will continue to need it. Maybe you do too.

A Poem That Ministered To Me

The True Prognosis

By Julie Clarke: Julie is an area poet, who I met about a year ago at the Prayer Barn in Austin. As a fellow struggler, I am continually impressed by her depth and candor. Her words regularly resonate. This week she entrusted these with me. So good!

When the diagnosis is looming
in the cloudless sky above.
When you get the news
And your tender heart just feels
as if it’s been shoved.

When discomfort displaces laughter
And my body trembles with fear,
It’s another red light reminder,
that this earthly end is near.

What do I do with my feelings?
How do I give them to you?
How to restore my childlike faith,
And bring brightness that’s brand new?

Where do I find the answers?
How do I know the next step?
What to do when it seems as if,
My body’s been far from up-kept.

What do I ask when I need to be held?
What if I want your hug?
To tell me this world’s not all that there is,
To tell me I’m more than a slug.

Can I find peace when I’m near you?
Why do you seem to leave?
What do I do when my tears and heart
Are pulsing on my sleeve?

Please show me your radiant sunlight.
And boost my vitamin D.
Please lift my head and show me Christ
In the midst of this big C.

Give me something to strengthen my soul,
And something to strengthen my mind.
Give me a clear as day vision
When my eyes just want to go blind.

Make movement for my muscles
And nutrition to feed my cells
Give me a life beyond my self
When in this body death dwells.

It’s not my true prognosis
This dreadful diagnosis…
And thank you LORD for showing me
Where heaven my true home is.

The Latest Report From Mayo

Our Next Steps

Last week you received the report from Carol that there was an unexpected new discovery when they did my bladder surgery. They discovered a new cancer in my right kidney and ureter. It is believed that perhaps the kidney was ‘seeding’ the bladder with cancer cells and that is why I’ve had so many reoccurrences. At last report, we were waiting for the pathology report. We received it this past Monday. Unfortunately, it was not good news. We got the news that that the cancer in the kidney, ureter, and bladder is “high grade”. The lesions in my prostate have also progressed and intensified. What that means is that I will be facing some aggressive BCG treatment on the bladder for the next 6 weeks and then another surgery at Mayo on 5/15 to remove my kidney, ureter and prostate. I’ll be in the hospital for 3-4 days. Recovery is estimated to take 4-6 weeks and it will be about 6 months before I am back to full strength. This wasn’t the news I was hoping for and quite frankly I’m still processing the emotions surrounding it. As my urologist aptly put it, “This is a lot to take in Piet…” It was and it still is… But with that, I’m also reminding myself that I will be at one of the best facilities in the world and be treated by some of the best docs on the planet. Prayers are certainly appreciated, and should you want to stay current with a more detailed report along the way, you can follow along on Facebook at Piet’s Phitness Partners.

A Serendipitous Prayer Encounter at the

Barber Shop

Before I went to Pella several weeks back, I decided I needed a beard trim. There is a barber shop I have frequented in the past. It is a typical black barber shop where there is lots of jesting and joking and I just love the vibe. My normal barber wasn’t available, so I was served by a young man I had not met before. He was rather chatty and somehow, we got talking about fasting. I told him I was in the middle of a three-day fast and he asked why. I told him about my upcoming cancer surgery, and he was genuinely moved and interested. After the appointment, he asked if he could pray for me. He didn’t want to pray in the shop, so he took me outside and said, Mr. Piet (with an “i”) I haven’t prayed out loud for a person in 15 years, but I believe I am supposed to pray for you.” It was a beautiful prayer, and I was in tears when he finished. I hugged him and thanked him for his care.

This past week I went back, and asked if he might be available to give me a trim. He was. When I got there, I thanked him again for his prayer and brought him a Pocket Prayer devotional. I told him that it wasn’t that he needed the practice, but he might not want to wait another 15 years to pray out loud and he should feel free to borrow these words if he needed them. Now he was the one tearing up. Felt so good.

It’s those little chance encounters where faith is risked, and hearts connect, that become the surprise blessings in the middle of the hardships of life.

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