This journey has taught me resilience, and I want to share what I’ve learned so you can rediscover your strength and hope. By leaning on God’s love and grace amid hardship, I believe you can be stronger than you think. I’m already praying for it!
No one expects a cancer diagnosis, but once it happens, you choose how to respond: give up or grow stronger. The same is true for any life-altering challenge—financial, relational, vocational, or personal. These experiences change us, often for the better, even if it doesn’t feel that way at first.
I’ve always been a Black Sheep—thinking differently, not fitting in, and taking unconventional paths. In my cancer journey, this meant exploring nontraditional treatments, being honest about the struggle, and staying steadfast in faith. This experience has inspired my new mission: drawing from 40+ years as a pastor and my cancer journey to help others cultivate resilience in and through their challenges.
I never imagined saying this, but I thank God for where I am. This journey has made me more grateful for life’s simple blessings and more useful to those who struggle. As Henri Nouwen described, I am among the wounded healers—a pastor and fellow struggler.
The process of restoring or regaining soundness or good health.
Healing takes many forms. Sometimes we experience it dramatically in this life. But sometimes it comes at the end of our lives as we enter our eternal home.
We are all on a healing journey. Walking with each other and learning from each other. If I can be so bold, I believe God is using this platform as a vehicle of healing for us all… to pray for each other, encourage each other, and support one another as we walk through the ups/downs of trusting God for healing and wholeness!
Healing takes many forms. Sometimes we experience it dramatically in this life. But sometimes it comes at the end of our lives as we enter our eternal home.
My dear friend Lynn Blackmore’s way of living highlighted her heart as a true champion. Throughout our conversations, she signed off with #keeponhealing. I loved that and adopted the practice.
Tap into ancient wisdom for modern-day challenges, drawing on God’s timeless truths of Scripture to navigate the complexities of today’s world.
Meet God where you are with books thoughtfully designed to guide you deeper in faith and understanding.
A safe place for the black sheep where you can find your flock. Discover a community that can help you bear the load.
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"One of my favorite things to do is sit down with someone over a cup of coffee and move past the news, weather and sports. If I can't do that in person, I'd be glad to do so virtually. Let me hear from you. Let's walk a bit of life together..."
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