
A Black Sheep Messenger

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pas·tor/ ˈpastər/ & chap·lain/ˈCHaplən/


1. To understand, listen, and empathize; to advise and console; to stand with and pray for one in their hour of need.

“In that moment when life stops making sense and you feel far from God, a pastor comes alongside as hope and help with skin on.”


2. To help a person navigate life’s complexities and challenges without being cliche’, judgmental, flippant, or simplistic;

3. To share a lived experience as a Pastor and Cancer Warrior with people who want someone who walks with them. 

I prefer the one-on-one interaction, going deeper with fewer. I want to have a personal relationship with you because I care about you and the journey you’re in. This is not for the mass this is a personal invite to a walk together. You matter to me.

As a pastor of 40 years and a follower of Christ for ten more, I know that just because you’ve been strong in your faith at one point, doesn’t mean you’ll stay there.

For a lot of us, when we first encountered Jesus, it was all wonder, excitement, and joy. We found purpose. We found hope. We found healing.

As we mature over the years, as questions emerge, and, quite frankly, as a faithful life proves itself challenging, how do we preserve through all we’ve set out to do? How do we stay strong?

Sometimes it seems like the answer is outside of what we know to be true. We think, “maybe all that I’ve believed is not enough to carry me through.” What if, instead of looking elsewhere, we really committed to following through on what we already know on a deeper level?

When the journey is difficult, boring, or tiresome, I’m here to help you continue to say “yes.” Not in an effort to chase after a false promise of ease or non-stop happiness, but to live a life in alignment with your values, with rich significance and satisfying depth.

I’m not here to give you a new set of rules to follow or hand out shallow answers. Instead, I’ll be a mirror to help you see yourself clearly, a sounding board for your deepest questions, and a companion to walk with you, side by side, into the next great chapter of your life.

That’s my story. I’d love to hear yours.