On the Journey With

Jennifer Ballard...
One of the great heartaches of being part of the cancer community is that you say good-bye to people you love way too soon. I met Jenny Ballard on my first day at Hope4Cancer. I was surprised to learn she was from the Austin area. Since treatment, we found ways to be an encouragement to each other. When I got the news of her passing, I wept. The world is a little darker without her. My best way of honoring her memory is to share her husband’s account of her life story here…
A deeply devoted and joyful Christian, Jenny’s whole life was intentionally shaped in emulation of the sacrificial love of Jesus through prayer, worship, service, and humility. During their life in Austin, the family were members of St Richards Episcopal Church (Round Rock), St. David’s Episcopal Church (downtown Austin), and finally at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (Barton Hills Austin).
Jenny’s life was marked by a few distinctive attributes: an unpretentious warmth, love, and sincere kindness for anyone that God brought into her life (which she took to mean everyone she met); a happy freedom of spirit; boundless curiosity, intelligence, judgment, and wisdom; and an undimmable radiance of light and joy.
She loved the moonlight. She loved dancing. She loved the hills and prairies of South Dakota. She loved science fiction books, and period piece movies. She loved making a fire. She loved chocolate. She loved the smell of prairie sweetgrass on the wind. She loved Indian food. She loved documentaries. She loved vegan food. She loved a medium steak with a hazy IPA. She loved the cool shade of ponderosa pines in the mountains. She loved sleeping under the stars. She loved sunflowers. She loved hot baths. She loved the years homeschooling her children. She loved jumping into cold lakes and streams. She loved fireflies and bees and long days on the trail. She loved the emptiness of Far West Texas. She loved cozy pajamas and snuggling in bed.
Most of all, she loved her children. She believed completely that they were her great vocation, her highest calling, and her most important legacy. She poured herself out for them in love no matter how painful, difficult, and dark her own trials were.
She battled cancer bravely and beautifully for 13 years, and although it took so much from her along the way, her joy, resolve, courage, humanity, faith, hope, and love never diminished.
She fell asleep in the Lord at home on Saturday, December 28th just after sunset surrounded by her parents and sisters, and with her husband holding her hand.
Soul Care with
Pastor Jenn
To Pastor (verb): to shepherd, advise, and guide into a place of deeper spiritual understanding

“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?’”
Isaiah 43:19
I see this verse used a lot when people are ready for a fresh start or something new to happen in their lives. And, of course, there’s no other time when fresh starts are more on the minds of people than with a new year. You never hear about mid-year resolutions or start fresh in March. It does sound kind of silly, but the truth is that God can and does do new things whenever He chooses. We don’t have to wait for a the new year, and now that it’s here, we don’t have to feel like we missed it if the new thing doesn’t happen in January.
I often feel overwhelmed by new year’s resolutions. I’m more of a vision board girl, to be honest. There are things I’d like to work towards bringing to fruition over the course of this year and of course there are projects that need to be accomplished. But I’m much more visual so seeing them all on a board is helpful to me. It reminds me of the where I said my priorities would lie for this season. For some people, a vision board might be more a a frustrating daily reminder than helpful. I get it.
God made us all different. He doesn’t expect us all to suddenly have our acts together just because it’s January. Of course it represents an opportunity, but God is infinitely patient and He never runs out of possibilities for our lives, no matter what date the calendar says it is. God isn’t restricted by time or our failures or shortcomings. He’s always been in the business of making all things new and He certainly won’t stop now. It’s a refreshing thought, right? If the new year snuck up on you, like it did on me, there’s still potential in each new day, if we only surrender to God’s plan before we get caught up in our own.
My prayer for you as you embark on the new year is that you move past the pressure and overwhelm of the calendar to the place where you see God directing your daily steps, creating newness and adventure with each one. That each day you sense His purpose and that you are ever more molded in to the person He has always intended for you to be. May you be sustained by His mercies that are new every morning and live this year in the gracious overflow of His boundless love.
Caregivers Corner with
Carol Van Waarde
To Support (noun): to provide assistance that enables one to function or act.

Recently, I heard it said that Proverbs 3:21-26 represents a hiding place for people of the Christian faith.
My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight,
preserve sound judgment and discretion;
they will be life for you,
an ornament to grace your neck.
Then you will go on your way in safety,
and your foot will not stumble.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Have no fear of sudden disaster
or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
for the LORD will be at your side
and will keep your foot from being snared.
When I first reflected on the term “hiding place” I admit that I rejected it. “What am I hiding from? I am an open person. Hiding is for those who are scared, and I want to live in bold confidence.” But the truth of life is that we face all kinds of challenges for which we must find strength and a great place to find it is in the wisdom of the Bible. I often take myself back to the Book of Proverbs. I love it, because it has a way of reorienting my thinking. It probably sounds counter-intuitive, but strength for life’s challenges is not found in acting with boldness or determination. Strength is actually a byproduct of determining to quiet our minds and meditating on God’s love and the instructions He gave us through scripture.
As partners of people who are dealing with cancer, we can become consumed with the many things begging for our time and filling our minds: the ‘what if?’ questions; the running task list in our heads; the need to research every tidbit of information; etc. These voices can easily drown out the quiet we try to create for ourselves. If we can only silence these things that press on us and stick to the quiet time we carve out in our daily calendar, we will find strength to face the cancer before us.
At the heart of this passage is an invitation. The writer is asking us to pursue wisdom in quietness, and, with consistency, because when we do, it leads us down a secure path. Even our sleep can be positively affected, and our fears can ultimately be assuaged. When I see it through that lens, I cannot think of a better and more important place to hide.
Worship Moment with
Joel Salabarria
To Inspire (verb): to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

Song: Overflow (Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music)
Band: Transformation Worship (Todd Dulaney)
From: Overflow: The Album (live) 2024
I am optimistic! This year I believe will be the year of overflow for many people in many different ways! However, it’s important for us to declare this boldly and walk in strong faith believing that He is faithful to perform and FINISH what He started! So, by faith I celebrate in advance, as I prepare for the overflow! Join me!
In this dry and empty land
We need more than just Your hand
We need Your voice, Your word
So speak, oh Lord
At Your word, the stars are hung
It′s Your breath that fills our lungs
So, here’s my life; I′m yours
So, speak, oh Lord
Purify us with Your fire
You are holy, here and now
Truth and spirit overwhelm us
We’re Your vessels, fill us now
Everybody sing, come on (overflow)
I hear you sing (overflow)
In my soul
Say I’m so good (Overflow) I′m so good, yeah,
Overflow, in my soul
Poetic Encouragement with
Julie Clarke
To Encourage (noun): to give support and hope to someone so that they will do or continue to do something.

Somewhere In the Sadness
Somewhere in the sadness
I think of lessons learned
Somewhere in the struggle
I find your gifts un-earned
Somewhere in the sadness
I watch my tables turn
Somewhere in the struggle
I find faith’s been returned
Somewhere in the sadness
I sing my mind the truth
Somewhere in the struggle
Peace returns as in my youth
Somewhere in the sadness
I recognize my resents
Somewhere in the struggle
It comes in and out it went
Because somewhere in the struggle
My presence still remains
And somewhere in the struggle
I can see what love has gained
Your kingdom holds my treasures
My every last attempt
Your hands hold the heart
Of this servant you’ve loved,
equipped, and sent
Nutrition Nuggets with
Suzanna Hake
To Nourish (verb): the act or process of being nourished.

We all know this… but it’s good to be reminded. I know I need it. At the risk of stating the obvious, good health is about more than just what we eat and how hard we exercise. Those things matter – but it isn’t just about that. It’s about our mental state and attitude too.
At the start of this new year, I’m thinking of all the things I’m grateful for and good health is one of them. I don’t know about you, but when you witness or experience a major illness, it changes your perspective on almost everything. So many of us take our good health for granted (even if it only comes in spurts). And for a good many of us, we spend the rest of our time complaining about all the ways we “should” be taking better care of ourselves. That mental preoccupation can be as debilitating as whatever we are dealing with physically.
So, I try to use these thought patterns to redirect my thinking. It really does help me feel more grateful and grounded.
I GET to…
I LEARN from…
I’m STRONGER because…
More than ever, I see life as an opportunity, a gift and something I’m not entitled to. And it has made my life more JOYFUL, more PRECIOUS, and more FULL.
Here’s the charge: You don’t have to have a major illness to reframe your “problems.”
What might you need to reframe today?
Introducing: The Cancer Pastor's "Building Resilience" Program

The time has come! We’re excited to launch our new Cancer Pastor platform with a powerful 16-week course: “Building Resilience in the Battle Against Cancer.” This program provides support and resources for those facing cancer and their loved ones.
Here’s what you’ll receive each week:
- Teaching Videos: Engaging lessons delivered every Monday (starting January 20th).
- Small Group Support: Connect with fellow warriors in live Zoom sessions every Sunday at 4:00 PM CST (starting January 26th).
- Personalized Pastoral Care: Benefit from two private calls per month.
Investment: $395 (flexible monthly payment options).
Limited-Time Offer: The first five to register receive a $100 discount!
If you want more information, please feel free to e-mail at pietvanwaarde@gmail.com.
Prayer of the Week
By Pastor Richard Bitterman
To Pray (verb): Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer ad petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God )Philippians 4:6)

Heavenly Father,
I come before you with a heart full of faith and trust in Your power to heal. Lord, you are the Great Physician, and I believe in your ability to restore health and bring comfort in times of trouble.
Just as your Word says, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.” (Jeremiah 17:14) I place my hope and confidence in your promises.
Father, I surrender my pain, my worries, and my fears into Your hands.
I ask that you touch me with Your healing hand, renew my strength, and fill me with the peace that surpasses all understanding. Help me to trust in Your plan for my life, knowing that Your plan is to prosper me and give me hope and a future.
Interested in supporting this new initative?
The Van Waarde Foundation underwrites and supports a variety of projects and team members committed to supporting, educating, and encouraging fellow cancer warriors and their families. As we look to the future, we are excited about creating a variety of new resources that will provide pastoral support to those battling cancer. This initiative will include this newsletter AND a host of other resources including a new podcast providing helpful information on health and fitness, fresh pocket prayers delivered daily to fellow cancer warriors, a new page on the website “heal” Heal – Piet Van Waarde with weekly reflections on navigating the “dailyness” of the journey, plus a soon-coming book Keep on Healing that will address the top 50 questions people face when confronted by a cancer diagnosis. We want to make these resources available at little/no cost to those who need them, and your support through the Foundation (https://www.patreon.com/pietvanwaarde) makes that possible.
Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration.