Skinny Places – Finding God in Conversation
Have you ever had this experience? You around a campfire with your close friends, or at dinner with colleagues from work, and somewhere in the middle of the conversation there is a shift. The conversation moves from news, weather, and sports to something much deeper. Your friend or colleague says something that causes you to […]
Skinny Places – Finding God in Nature
Hugh Ross is an astrophysicist and a Christian apologist. He makes the point that there are two great books that legitimize Christian belief – the book of the Bible and the book of nature – the book of creation and the book of revelation. God makes himself known through the Bible and through the beauty […]
Skinny Places – Finding God in the Bible
I realize that referring to the Bible as a place to find God, probably brings an immediate, and perhaps vicarial, set of reactions. On one end of the spectrum there are those who see the Bible as an outdated, highly unreliable book of fiction. On the other end of the spectrum are those who see […]
Skinny Places – Introduction
What have I become?My sweetest friendEveryone I know goes awayIn the end And you could have it allMy empire of dirtI will let you downI will make you hurt I wear this crown of thornsUpon my liar’s chairFull of broken thoughtsI cannot repair“Hurt” Johnny Cash Longing for something real Has there ever been a time […]