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The Healing Chronicle

It was probably 10 years ago when I heard these words from Ruth Haley Barton, The best gift we give to the world is a healthy and whole you. I knew that was a significant statement, but I didn’t fully grasped the depth of it until I received my cancer diagnosis. Health and wholeness is always something we have to fight for. It doesn’t come easy. There are many things – both in the world and within our own hearts – that work against us. We need all the support we can get. This weekly newsletter is meant to help provide that. May these stories, poems, advice, and encouragement provide some of what you need.

Newsletter – Volume 32
This Week Confessions From the Back of the Pen Meet Rudy… Rudy Ximenez is a great photographer. I cannot begin to tell you the number

Newsletter – Volume 31
This Week Confessions From the Back of the Pen Meet Austin… I met Austin at a wedding I officiated last weekend. He was one of

Newsletter – Volume 29
This Week Updates from the back of the clinic Cancer Update I am going to take a little detour from our usual Black Sheep testimonial

Newsletter – Volume 28
This Week Updates from the back of the pen Meet Suzanna… I met Suzanna Hake at the Hope4Cancer clinic. She was part of a group

Newsletter – Volume 27
This Week Updates from the back of the pen His turn… Merry Christmas! If there was ever a time to write about Jesus Christ’s own

Newsletter – Volume 26
This Week Updates from the back of the pen My turn… I have been writing this newsletter for about six months, and I thought this

Newsletter – Volume 25
This Week Updates from the back of the pen Meet Neal… Not every black sheep is known for their straying from the fold. Some earn

Newsletter – Volume 24
This Week Updates from the back of the pen Meet David… Hi, my name is David Szwedo. Growing up, my family was chaotic. Yelling and

Newsletter – Volume 23
This Week Updates from the back of the pen Meet Wendy.. If you were to meet Wendy Swentz today, you would think she has lived

Newsletter – Volume 22
This Week Updates from the back of the pen Meet Kat… Katherine von Drachenberg known professionally as Kat Von D, is a Mexican-American television personality,

66 Reflections on Turning 66
For the first part of this year, my focus has been primarily on cancer treatment, but at my birthday (earlier this month) I was able
The Unplanned Documentary
I never intended to do a documentary. It wasn’t even on the radar. I never thought my story merited that kind of publicity. It’s a